About us

About Us

"A Journey Of A  Thousand Miles begins with Just a single step"

This is the Pre-School-Branch of our O.S.D.A.V. Public School. The purpose of the school is to provide a proper environment for the systematic growth of  the children and also to offer a correct learning experience during their childhood years.

Pre-Primary  with Primary

This is the Pre-Primary Branch of our O.S.D.A.V. Public School. The purpose of the school is to make its every student a global leader in the face of global challenges. The school believes in dynamic education based on Literary, Moral, Physical and Spiritual development of the child. Special emphasis is laid on communication skills including linguistic skills and personality traits. Infact ,the target of the school is to make every student compatible to the society.
Laying A Strong Foundation
       Classes Nursery to  II  are housed in the School Building at Pre-School and Pre-Primary with Primary  Block. The Early Education Development Programme has been adopted for these Classes. The Effort is to make education a joyous experience. Emphasis is given on learning by doing.Educational toys and apparatus is extensively used by qualified and competent teachers who make the entire education process creative and productive. Keeping in view the importance of the most formative years of a Child's life, the tiny tots are nurtured lovingly in a homely environment-A Home Away from Home. Exposure to rich experiences of daily life helps in Teaching Social etiquettes and  Communication Skills.   

Secondary and Sr. Secondary

This is the Secondary and Senior Secondary branch of our O.S.D.A.V. Public School. O.S.D.A.V. public School, which has carved out a niche for itself in the Educational history of Kaithal City, is located at the Khurana Road . It is sprawling on four acres of land with a grand mesmerising and fascinating building on it. The school is known for providing quality education, and for all round development of children. They are taught to accept the new challenges of life with smiling faces. The spirit to conquer new height and never to retreat even in the worst of conditions is inculcated amongst the students.
O.S.D.A.V.Public School, Kaithal was set up in 1984 under the Aegis of DAV College,Managing Committee,New Delhi with a view to impart Quality Education to children of this Semi-Rural-Area.The school has witnessed a phenomenal growth over the years since its inception.It has been striving for the betterment of the society through Vedic Value-Based-Education-System.With 4450 students on its rolls,it has marked its presence all over the Distt.as well all over India among DAVs through the hardwork and persuance of its Staff,Students,Parents and Super-guidance and support lent by the DAV and LMC.

O.S.D.A.V. Public School Kaithal has achieved tremendous success in a short-span of time and has shown its 'Excellence' both in 'Academics'   and in 'Co-curricular Activities'.It is one among the top DAV institutions of the country.Its students,with their strong foundation of discipline and knowledge imbibed at the institute have achieved success not only in their Public-Examinations i.e. at X & XII but have achieved success in various walks of life all over the country and outside the country.

The ultimate 'Goal' of the school is to equip and harness the vast potential of each student and hone their skills to a fine perfection so that they develop into 'Winning-Personalities' and 'Complete-Human-Beings'.To keep pace with the rapidly-changing-educational requirements both the curriculum and the faculty is upgraded regularly through various Re-Orientation-Workshops by Resource-Persons of high intellect from NCERT,SCERT and DPPI.The ultimate goal of the school is to equip and harness the vast potential of each student and horn their skills to perfection so that they develop into 'Winning-Personalities' and 'Complete- Humanbeings'. This has been realised and recognised by Ministry of Human Resource Development as well as by CBSE.That is why CBSE from Session(2010-11) has introduced Grading System upto class X which is based on Continous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) It makes mandatory for the school authorties to evaluate the students on all round basis which means behaviour, positive thinking , innovative ideas ,health, work experience. The school has successfully implemented this system in letter and spirit. In short, we are evolving "Constantly towards Excellence" in a world of possibilities.
OSDAV Public School
S. Nijhawan(Principal-cum-Regional Directior)